Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's 2008 Goal time!

I sat down this weekend and wrote out all my business and personal goals for this year. I will spare you the long list but I will share a few that I need your help for! I'm trying to build my senior (high school senior) business and this year I have a very reachable goal of 50 seniors. That being said I need some senior reps for the local area schools. They can currently be seniors or up coming seniors. I already have a rep for Fuquay but I would still love to hear from you if you attend Fuquay because I'm willing to take a few more since this is my first year trying to break in to that market. I love shooting seniors b/c it's always so fun to get to know their personalities! These would all be on location shots which means they would be unique photoshoots. Please email me if you are interested, sarahseay77@gmail.com. Oh yeah the perks that's always an important part. I will give you a bunch of wallets, a few 8x10's and 5x7's. If you want to order anything else you will get 25% off your entire order. All you have to do is smile pretty and spread the word about my photography! I hope to have a flood of emails! :) Thanks guys!

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