Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Brightening my own day...

When I'm having a bad day there are a few things that I know will cheer me up Prayer or any kind of God time, my husband, and playing with or taking pictures. Being so busy at the office and being down to one car between my husband and I, I haven't had a chance to actually shoot lately so I've been playing with my actions I showed you guys yesterday. Luckily I have a sitting tomorrow and Saturday so hopefully that will get me back on track! Here are some samples of what I can do with your photographs now. Yes I just posted some yesterday but today I took 2 different ones a cool one and a warm one and did multiple actions on each so you can get a better idea of what they actually do! First we have my beautiful niece, yes you've seen these pictures but they are just too cute to not stare at for hours!

***Side note if my grammar is horrendous I apologize, I'm a photographer not a writer.

Original ImageNext up we have my oh so handsome nephew Owen!

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Some of them are subtle but if you look closely you can see how the colors pop more, it softens the picture or completely changes it to B&W. :)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I love them! What cute kids those 2 are! My fav is the last one of Owen.