Monday, April 21, 2008

It's been way too long!

Needless to say I am waaaaay behind on my blogging! Appropriately today I'm blogging about food. Today I am starting the Daniel Fast, all I'll eat for 2 weeks is fruits, veggies, beans, and nuts. I'm eliminating all artificial anything from my diet and eating only things from the ground. This is going to be tough for me because I pretty much live on processed foods and have never done a strict diet. I'll keep you updated on how starving I am and my outcome!

So last weekend I had the pleasure of photographing the Cystic Fibrosis Master Chefs event. They had 6 that's right folks 6 courses and amazing appetizers that night. It was a great event and I know it raised lots of money for CF. Here are a few pictures from the night.

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